Mario Batali's Los Angeles: Charles Bukowski, The Sunset Marquis & Palm Trees

Mario Batali On Eataly LA, His Fave Cocktail & Vespa Love

Who: Mario Batali

While he's a New York native (and damn proud of it), we're going to be seeing a lot more of this orange-croc wearing celebrity chef soon enough. Buoyed by the immense success of Eataly NY, a gourmet Italian market and collection of mini-restarants, Batali is working to bring it to Washington D.C. and Los Angeles next. No one knows exactly when it'll happen for us, but the most hopeful rumor is that Eataly LA will open its doors before the end of 2012. Until then, of course, we will more than make do with Pizzeria Mozza, Osteria Mozza and Mozza2Go -- Batali's joint Los Angeles ventures with Nancy Silverton and Joe Bastianich.

Speaking of which, Batali will be at Mozza2Go on Friday afternoon for a meet and greet with his adoring fans. He'll be signing his new cookbook, Molto Batali -- Simple Family Meals from My Home to Yours, which will be available for purchase at the event. Mangia, mangia!

When: Friday, Jan. 27 at 1 p.m.
Where: Mozza2Go, 6610 Melrose Ave. (at Highland Ave.)

Mario Batali revealed his favorite spots and people in Los Angeles. Click through for the whole interview and find out what Batali's next (music-related) goal is.

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