Sheriff Babeu Supports @MexicanMitt Romney (VIDEO)

WATCH: @MexicanMitt Romney's Latest Campaign Ad

He’s the most Mexican man in the world — or at least that’s what his Twitter profile claims. If you haven’t heard of @MexicanMitt, then you must have been living under a rock for the past month.

Romney’s fake alter ego, who often tweets in both Spanish and English about politics with his own Mexican spin, has a new TV commercial out.

And it’s one he doesn’t want you to see.

The 35-second spot features Sheriff Paul Babeu introducing “Operation Gaykeeper,” a gaydar border fence that “keeps out the harmful straight illegals and keeps in the desirable and precious gayliens.”

Babeu stepped down from his position as Arizona co-chair of Mitt Romney’s campaign on Saturday amidst allegations of threatening his boyfriend with deportation.

In the ad, Babeu states that Mexican Mitt Romney wants to complete the “dang gayday border fence,” surmising that Mexican Mitt is “one of us.”

If you don’t believe Babeu would make such accusations, see it for yourself in the video above.

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