US-2012 Primary: 33% Santorum, 32% Romney, 15% Gingrich, 15% Paul (AP-GfK 2/16-20)

US-2012 Primary: 33% Santorum, 32% Romney, 15% Gingrich, 15% Paul (AP-GfK 2/16-20)

2/16-20/12; 1,000 adults. 4.1% margin of error
450 Republicans
Mode: Live telephone interviews
AP release


2012 President: General Election
51% Obama (D), 43% Romney (R) (chart)
52% Obama (D), 42% Gingrich (R) (chart)
52% Obama (D), 43% Santorum (R) (chart)
5% Obama (D), 44% Paul (R)

2012 President: Republican Primary
33% Santorum
32% Romney
15% Gingrich
15% Paul

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