Michael Madigan Reelection Mailer Emphasizes House Speaker's Strength, At Blagojevich's Expense

Madigan Distributes Mailer With Surprising Cameo

Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) doesn't usually have to campaign much to defend his seat; but with a challenger from within his party nipping at his heels this election season, Madigan's camp put together a mailer with a surprising cameo.

"When lawbreaking politicians make a mess of things, we need strong leaders to clean things up," reads the mailer, which was published online by the Chicago Sun-Times.

The mailer also features an image of a dilapidated house, likely a reference to the state's recent problems with foreclosure and vacant properties, and a superimposed, edited image featuring former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's face on a shrugging body.

Madigan's campaign efforts have been escalating in tandem with those from challenger Michele Piszscor, who recently accused the Speaker's team of slashing the tires on her car in an effort to intimidate her.

Blogger Rich Miller notes on Capitol Fax that the last time Madigan amped up his reelection efforts was in 2010, when he was up against Republican Patrick John Ryan, though many suspected Ryan's run began within Madigan's camp.

WATCH a report on Madigan's challenger's campaign:

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