The Moment I Knew I Was A Woman, Not A Girl (SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO)

The Moment I Knew I Was A Woman, Not A Girl (SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO)

UPDATE: We've received many moving videos from readers describing "The Moment I Knew I Was A Woman, Not A Girl," but in case that topic doesn't resonate with everyone, we've decided to propose an additional one: "The Moment I Knew I'd Become My Mother."

We've all had that moment that we swore as adolescent hellions we never would: the instant when you recognize that without even realizing it, you appropriated one of your mother's beliefs or behaviors. Maybe it's just that you can never locate your keys, either, or maybe you find yourself lecturing your own child exactly the way she used to drone on and on to you. Or perhaps you suddenly discover in yourself the patience, generosity and compassion that once seemed so superhuman in her.

The instructions for submitting are the same as they were (please read below), and you're still welcome to submit a video on the moment you knew you were a woman -- or on both topics. Remember that your video doesn't have to look like it was shot in Hollywood -- that's not what we're going for. The only necessary element is you, sharing a moment when your perspective changed.


At HuffPost, we're kicking off an exciting new project and we'd love you to participate! It's called "The Moment I Knew" and is a user-submitted video series where readers tell the stories of life-changing moments they have experienced. Each section of HuffPost has chosen a different theme -- whether it was the moment you knew you wanted to marry your spouse, the moment you knew your marriage was over, the moment you knew you loved college, or the moment you knew you were broke. You can also tell us about any other life-defining moment you'd like to share. The possibilities are endless!

Here on HuffPost Women, we've suggested that you tell us about "The Moment I Knew I Was A Woman, Not A Girl." Clearly there's more to that evolution than puberty. What the Moment was for you may come to mind immediately, or it may be harder to pinpoint. We hope you'll share it with us either way and that, together, your videos will give us all a more nuanced sense of what growing up means for different women and how exactly it happens.

It's easy to contribute. You can create your video using YouTube or Vimeo and send the link/URL of the video to If you create your video using your laptop or mobile phone and have a video file, please attach the file in an email to Your video submission is subject to our User Terms. Please make sure to include your full name with your video submission. Each video should be 30 to 60 seconds long and should feature only you, speaking right into the camera telling your story. Please start your story with the words "The moment I knew..."

We can't wait to hear from you. And if you have any questions, please email

The Moment I Knew

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