'Threat - Objects For Defense And Protection' Opens In Brooklyn - NYTimes.com

New Show Explores Fear With Artsy Weapons

Behind a fairly nondescript door on one of the quieter streets in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is a cache of what might best be described as designer weapons. The pieces, about 60 in all, are part of an exhibition opening Friday at Present Company called "Threat: Objects for Defense and Protection."

It is the latest show organized by the designer Kiel Mead and the American Design Club, a group he helped found to promote the work of young designers, and it features a range of items intended to ward off home intruders. Some are whimsical, like the knitted pipe wrench by Nathan Vincent, called "This Is Not a Pipe Wrench," or the bag by Object Trust that says "Take What You Want," and is meant to be worn over the head.

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