Olek Trades Her Knitting For Ballooning At The Krause Gallery (VIDEO)

WATCH: Crochet Artist Olek Now Knitting Balloon Suits

Crochet artist and knitting vigilante Olek, whose crochet shopping carts, Wall Street Bull or say, Astor Place cube you may have seen around town, is expanding into new mediums. The Polish-born American artist, whose near-OCD level of knitting has made her a well-known figure in New York, recently moved on to use loose and filled plastic balloons as her material du jour.

Her latest project and installation, Synthetic Nature, is at the Krause Gallery, where she knit together a ton of balloon costumes and crocheted ballooned lattice structure that fills the gallery. So if you see faceless spacemen covered in dangling plastic worms, stay calm. It is only Olek.

And judging from these pictures from a pervious installation, it's going to a be a nightmarishly colorful affair.

The exhibit is now open and runs until April 10th. Krause Gallery is at 149 Orchard Street (Wenesday-Sunday).

Check out previous work below.

Before You Go

Olek Takes London

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