'Noise Jelly' Uses Science To Make Music Out Of Blobs (VIDEO)

Blobs Of Goo Make Music. Really!

Noises are malleable and transformative, so why can't the instruments that make them be that way, too? French designers Raphael Pluvinage and Marianne Cauvard have created just that -- a radical creation called Noise Jelly.

In the video, they show a deceivingly simple process of molding various geometric shapes out of a jiggly, solid substance. Before the liquid hardens, colorful noise characteristics like "basses" or "melodies" are added. The colorful shape is then set on a game board. When poked and prodded, voila, music is made.

What seems like a crazy awesome, and fake, concept, is actually just two creative geniuses/chemists morphing noise creation as we know it. The game board is actually a capacitive sensor that detects the variations in shape of the agar agar solids (the jiggly geometric pieces), salt content (the basses and melodies) and the strength of contact (poking and prodding) and transforms it into an audio signal.

Watch below to see how "Noise Jelly" works:

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