Nancy Pelosi: Hillary Clinton Should Run For President In 2016

Pelosi: I 'Would Love To See' A 2016 Clinton Candidacy

Though the 2012 presidential election is months away, a growing number of public figures have in recent weeks thrown their support behind a Hillary Clinton candidacy in 2016. Add Nancy Pelosi's name to that list.

Pelosi was in New York for a Q&A session with veteran journalist Jeff Greenfield on Sunday, when she was asked what she thought about speculation that Clinton might replace Joe Biden as vice president on President Barack Obama's 2012 ticket. Rather than answer the question directly, Pelosi stated that, "I would love to see Secretary Clinton become the nominee for president in 2016," before gushing about the job Clinton has done as the nation's top diplomat.

When asked again by Greenfield what she thought about the 2012 rumors, Pelosi explained:

I don't think this ticket is going to change. I think the president and vice president have worked very well together. Joe Biden is a great guy, enjoys his own popularity in the country. I dont think that's going to happen. I do think, though, the secretary should entertain the thought of running in 2016.

Clinton, who has already indicated that she will step down from her cabinet post following this year's election, has insisted on several occasions that she has no plans to run for president again. (She lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Obama in 2008.) In an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that aired Monday, Clinton said:

I want to do the best job I can as the secretary of state for this president. I want to then take some time to get reconnected to, you know, the stuff that makes life worth living, you know, family, friends, the sort of activities that I enjoy. And I'll do some writing and some speaking, and I'm sure I'll be continuing to advocate on these issues.

None of this has stopped a variety of politicians and media figures from encouraging a run. In recent weeks, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), senior White House advisor David Plouffe, and former New York Mayor Ed Koch have all voiced support for a 2016 Clinton run. Even Donald Trump has jumped on board the Hillary bandwagon.

Former President Bill Clinton, meanwhile, stated during a "Good Morning America" interview on Monday that he would be "happy" if his wife decided to run for president again. He added, however, that he believes her when she says she has no interest in the prospect.

(via BuzzFeed)

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