'The Daily Show' Mocks Fox News For Hilary Rosen Coverage (VIDEO)

WATCH: Stewart Mocks Fox News For Their Rosen Coverage

President Obama sent 11 Secret Service agents home on leave from a diplomatic mission to Colombia late last week after allegations of their hiring prostitutes surfaced and threatened to mar his efforts to strengthen economic ties in Latin America.

On Monday night's "Daily Show," Jon Stewart seemed to think that the TV networks like FOX News would be all over a sex-related political scandal that humiliated the American president on foreign soil, but alas, they seem to have bigger fish to fry.

Namely, a fish named Hilary Rosen. Rosen, a Democratic strategist and HuffPost blogger, told CNN on Wednesday that Ann Romney has "actually never worked a day in her life" on air during a discussion of the so-called war on women, and a media firestorm has been taking place ever since. Romney has since responded to the remarks, and the media analysis of the issue has been non-stop, but Stewart wonders where all of the outrage about this prostitution scandal is hiding.

Sure, a CNN political contributor said an inflammatory thing, but isn't that her job? Shouldn't we be a little more concerned about our Secret Service humiliating us abroad and, you know, not doing their jobs? Stewart seems to think the answer is, "Yes."

Watch the full clip above and then let us know what you think in the comments.

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