Less Ambitious Novels: Twitter Users Dumb Down The Classics (TWEETS)

Less Ambitious Novels Volume 2: The Sequel

In January, a Twitter thread game featuring "Less Ambitious Books" made a point of dumbing down the classics. Today, a derivative trend is doing the same under the #LessAmbitiousNovels hashtag.

With sharp wit and cheap yuks alike, Twitter users are once again demonstrating how their chosen medium can reduce -- with glee -- the loftiest title to a whimsically cheap yet startlingly effective 140-character-or-less punch line.

However, just because someone can use a turn of phrase doesn't make him or her a bona fide author. In fact, the thread is replete with rip-offs and repeats (really, how many negations of "The Great Gatsby" do we need?). But here's a sampling of some of the funniest ones we've found so far.

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