Stefon Stocks 'SNL' With Family Summer Fun Ideas On 'Weekend Update' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Stefon's Hot Tips For Summer Fun

Since "Saturday Night Live" isn't returning until the fall, if you're like us, you were relieved to see beloved recurring "Weekend Update" character Stefon make an appearance on this weekend's finale.

As usual, Seth Meyers just wants to hear about family-friendly cultural events New Yorkers can partake in during the summer months, but Stefon has something different in mind. You know, like a club that's illegally parked behind the Statue of Liberty where frat guru "D-bag Chopra" offers a "Build A Bear" workshop, "but not the kind you think."

Along with all of that, plus Draggers, Wario Battali and "Jewish Fireworks," we noticed that Stefon also offered a suggestion we had previously heard Bill Hader discuss on Bill Simmons' podcast last March. It's nice to see they finally got around to using that "written and directed by James L. Brooks" joke after all.

Watch the video above.

Before You Go

'Really!?!' on SNL's 'Weekend Update'

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