Obama Meets Key & Peele, Wants His Own Anger Translator (PHOTOS)

Obama To Key & Peele: 'I Need A Luther'

There wasn't an anger translator in site when Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele met President Obama recently. On June 1st, Key tweeted a few photos of the all-smiles meeting, describing he and Peele's reaction as "giddy."

And why not? Obama has already made it clear he's a fan of the duo, particularly their sendup of his famously calm demeanor. During his interview on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon," Obama described the sketch "Obama Loses His Sh*t": "They've got a guy who imitates me pretty well... And he's got an anger translator named Luther. So, I'll make my little speech and Luther will come on and say... I can't actually repeat what he says, but it's pretty good stuff."

But the president reaffirmed his enjoyment of the show during the meeting with the stars, even signing the photo he took with them saying, "To Keegan -- I need a Luther... but only in a second term!"

Check out the photos below, as well as the clip of Obama talking about Key & Peele on Fallon and the "Obama Loses His Sh*t" sketch. Key & Peele returns for a second season this fall on Comedy Central.




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