'Sorted This Way': Harry Potter Fans Parody Lady Gaga (VIDEO)

WATCH: Harry Potter Fans Parody Lady Gaga In 'Sorted This Way'

From the minds of Not Literally -- a Harry Potter-themed comedy group -- comes an interesting parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way."

"Sorted This Way" is a call for Hufflepuff pride -- Hufflepuffs being the most overlooked of the four Houses at Hogwarts in the world of Harry Potter. Like a bumblebee, their colors are black and yellow, and it is said that no one is quite sure of their talents, but they do possess a great work ethic, as well as patience, justice, and loyalty.

The video begins with the group demanding that you "just put your wands up, because you were sorted this way baby," -- referencing the sorting hat that decides which of the four houses a student will belong to during their time at Hogwarts.

"I'm Hufflepuff and I'm proud. No, I'm not one of the crowd, but I'm in the right house baby. I was sorted this way," they sing launching into the five-minute-long song and dance routine.

If you identify with the Hufflepuffs then you'll probably enjoy this video. Badger pride!

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