HuffPost Style Turns 4! A Look At The State Of Fashion And Our Favorite Subjects In 2008 (PHOTOS)

Happy 4th Birthday, Us!

On July 28th, 2008 at 8:06 AM*, the Huffington Post Style section was born. And like any new mom, I can't remember the specifics of that day, probably because a) I was in an exhausted haze by the time it rolled around and b) my body won't allow me to--biologically speaking, if I did, I would never launch another section again.

At the time, I didn't anticipate how interesting 2008 would get--not just politically, but because of all the new style icons the presidential election created. Michelle Obama's fashion was only beginning to take center stage, no one was documenting Carla Bruni's every outfit (yet)...and we hadn't even heard the name Sarah Palin. As those topics heated up, the Style section found its livelihood, and these are subjects we continue to obsessively document with every waking minute. And lest you think we consider ourselves high-brow, we've since added wardrobe malfunctions and photoshop fails to our repertoire.

A huge thanks is order to all the supremely talented people who have ever worked on HuffPost Style: (in chronological order) Verena von Pfetten, Danny Shea, Willow Lindley, Hilary Moss, Emily Singer, current associate editor Ellie Krupnick, Marielle Bingham, Michelle Manetti, current editor Jessica Misener, (the other) current associate editor Rebecca Adams, and current intern Erica Cheung (who's responsible for the slideshow you see below).

In honor of this special occasion, we debated either showing you photos of ourselves looking stylish at age 4 or looking back at the state of style four years ago, and how our favorite subjects embodied it. We chose the latter. What a difference four years makes.

*Confession: I totally made that time up. Like I said, I barely remember a thing.

Four Years Ago...Michelle Obama Covered Her Arms

Things That Were Different In 2008

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