The Art Of Hiring: Three Secrets From America's Most Promising Companies

The Art Of Hiring: Three Secrets From America's Most Promising Companies
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silence please businessman...

It's a well-worn truism: Hiring is both one of the most important and difficult tasks any entrepreneur faces in building a business. The quality of people filling a company's ranks ripples through every measure of performance - sales, product development and partner relations included. More importantly, it determines whether you actually enjoy heading into work every day. With each new recruit, business owners fine-tune the DNA of their firms, so it pays to get it right.

By definition, members of Forbes' list of America's Most Promising Companies have all found some answers to the eternal mystery of hiring effectively. Yet with sales doubling each year and companies expanding at a breakneck pace, the issue of recruiting high-caliber employees takes on a new level of urgency and challenge.

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