9/28/12 Pollster Open Thread

9/28/12 Pollster Open Thread

This open thread is to discuss all of the day's polls -- what they tell us about the election, their methodological strengths and weaknesses, notable findings others have missed or whatever else you want to talk about. Each day's open thread will appear in the morning and remain open for 24 hours. We also encourage you to use the "favorite" button to identify the most interesting or insightful comments.

Thursday featured comment
"The polling averages in 2010 predicted a Republican winning margin of 7%. The actual margin was 6.6%. That is a remarkable display of accuracy. The very same polling average of polling firms today, using the very same tried and true polling methods, show a edge for Obama of around 4%. Those who really believe these polls are ALL biased, based on some preconceived notions of Party make up and participation,.. Are only whistling past the graveyard." - Wong23

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