2012 Presidential Election Commentary: Internet Shares Their Political 'Secrets'

Internet Shares Their Election Secrets (LOOK)

This post is part of our regular "secrets" series with Whisper, an anonymous social sharing website.

There have been a lot of opinions flying around about the election in the past few months, but sometimes it's hard to know how people really feel about politics. Whether it's feeling pressured by friends or family to vote for a candidate whose positions you don't believe in, or feeling uncomfortable being a Republican when all your friends are Democrats, some political opinions are harder to openly share with the world. But with the countdown to the election going into high gear, anonymous Whisper users are opening up to share their election secrets.

Click through the slideshow below to read what these voters have to say, and tell us: what's your political "secret"? Share your stories in the comment below, tweet @HuffPostTeen, or head over to Whisper.

Before You Go

Secret Feelings About The Election

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