Conversion Therapy: Does The California Ban Go Far Enough? (WATCH)

Conversion Therapy: Does The California Ban Go Far Enough? (WATCH)

California Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a bill that shields minors from pseudo-scientific therapies like conversion therapy, a controversial type of treatment that claims to change sexual orientation.

During college, Clay Arnold elected to spend six months in conversion therapy. He shared his experience on HuffPost Live with hosts Jacob Soboroff and Alyona Minkovski.

“They have to force you to say that your mother was overbearing, you had an absent father, or you were sexually abused,” he explained. “So what it does for the person going through that therapy, is that you’re racking your brain trying to figure out, ‘there was this one instance, maybe.’"

Recalling the emotional damage he underwent during his experience, Arnold assesses that the bill doesn’t go far enough. "You start changing your own reality to make a new reality for yourself," he said. "And what it ends up doing is drawing a wedge between you and your loved ones. For me, I began to be angry with my family.”

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