Man Augments Testicle With Chin Implant: Journal of Sexual Medicine

That's Chin-teresting: Doctors Even Out Man's Testicles With Face Implant

That's one way to even out the ol' onions.

Doctors in Mexico augmented a 45-year-old man's left testicle with an implant normally used for shaping a chin, according to Live Science. The surgery was reported in this month's issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The unnamed man was born with one tiny right testicle and a normal sized left one. Doctors initially removed the smaller testicle and replaced it with an implant, but that still left him with an uneven pair.

As a result, in a separate surgery, doctors augmented the left testicle with a silicone chin implant to make both balls evenly sized. This is reportedly the first time such a procedure has been tried.

Urologist and lead author Fernando Ugarte said the man suffered from body dysmorphic disorder, a preoccupation with a specific physical defect often seen in people with anorexia or bulimia.

"We are starting to have the same kind of problems that the ladies have with body image," Ugarte said. "There are many people who are probably not feeling satisfied with their testicular size, and now they have a new option."

Researchers reported the surgery was completed without complications and the man had a "satisfactory sex life" one month after the procedure, according to the article's abstract.

The authors claim the surgery is "safe and effective," but note that "more experience in performing this procedure is needed."

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