Best Tweets: What Women Said On Twitter This Week

The Best Tweets From Women This Week

Last week, Rachel Hastings tweeted about the overwhelming amount of political news these days: "The election is the Marcia Brady of news stories right now, and everything else is the Jan. :(" It seemed like a fair assessment, considering the flood of election-related tweets and Facebook statuses we've been seeing -- especially around the debates.

This week, though, Michelle Wolf pointed about that social media isn't totally dominated by politics. She made the following comment on Twitter: "'I'll take your political opinion and I'll raise you a sonogram' - my facebook feed." We can't do anything about the election updates, but this might help with the baby overload.

Click through the gallery below for more great tweets from women, and check back next week for our new favorites.

Missed last week's roundup? You can find it here.

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