Baby Wombat Brookfield Zoo's Latest Adorable Addition

PHOTOS: Meet The Brookfield Zoo's New Wombat Joey

Brookfield Zoo debuted its latest in fuzzy cuteness, Thursday when it introduced a southern hairy-nosed wombat joey.

The yet-to-be-named joey was born to mom Kambora, a 12-year-old wombat born at the San Diego Zoo, and dad Wilbur, 20, who was wild-born in Australia. The zoo said since wombat joeys develop in a pouch, zookeepers weren't able to get a good look at the 8-month-old until about mid-September.

(Scroll down for photos of the Brookfield newborn.)

According to the zoo, there are only 10 southern hairy-nosed wombats in four North American zoos.

Brookfield's Newest Joey

Wombat Joey

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