Easy Ways to Burn Calories, from Bob Greene

8 Easy Ways To Burn 100 Calories A Day

By Corrie Pikul

You'll be kicking yourself for not trying these sooner (wait... kicking: That's 13 calories for one minute).

If you want to burn extra calories (and who doesn't?), start by making little tweaks that add up to big lifestyle changes. That's the idea behind fitness guru Bob Greene's new Small Change Movement. Here are some of Bob's suggestions for burning about 100 calories in ways so subtle you'll barely notice -- until you step on the scale.

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Burn 100 Extra Calories Today With Bob Greene's Strategies

Calorie counts are based on a 160-pound woman, using data from The Compendium of Physical Activities Tracking Guide from the Prevention Research Center at University of South Carolina's School of Public Health.

As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.

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