What Was Your First Time (Voting) Like?

Who Was Your First?

Remember when Lena Dunham appeared in a 2012 Obama campaign video encouraging young women who had recently reached voting age to make their "first time" at the ballot box count by voting for the president? Remember when conservatives read this as Dunham encouraging pre-marital sex?

It was a very confusing time.

Whether or not the critiques of Dunham's video were valid, for us its primary effect was to evoke memories of first trips to the polls. We guessed that our readers might be feeling a little nostalgic also as they went to cast their ballots, so we asked them about it on Facebook on Election Day.

According to those who responded, it was everything a "first time" should be -- nervous, exciting, and hopeful. Many of you said you had waited a long time to turn 18 and finally have the opportunity to vote. You said that casting your first ballot filled you with intense pride -- a pride many of you also expressed yesterday as you reelected Barack Obama for a second term in office.

Read below for more of what our community had to say.

Tell us about your first time voting in the comments below. Or, share with us on Facebook and @HuffPostWomen on Twitter.

Storified by Brittany Erin Binowski · Wed, Nov 07 2012 11:51:12

@HuffPostWomen I literally turned 18 yo the day before the1992 presidential election. I was at college & registered to vote on campus!!Jill
I too, voted for the first time for Clinton's second term. Very exciting and proud moment!Courtney Fanning Lindsey
Clinton's second term. I'd waited 4 years to vote for him.Irma Konecny
Bill Clinton was my first!Kathleen Lane Spencer
My first time was in '96 for Clinton. I was in college and so excited to vote for the first time!Sasha Shipman
My first time was Bill Clinton, `92! I remember being nervous and excited and so proud of my country!Jill Huibregtse McCormick
i was lucky enough to vote for Bill Clinton as well. I am proud to say he was my first ,-)Tiffany Giammona
I voted for Bill Clinton by absentee ballot in 1992. But I went to the polls all the time with my parents as a kid.Danielle Letourneau-Therrien

WATCH: Lena Dunham's First Time

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