The 25 Most Important And Influential GIFs Of 2012

The 25 Most Important GIFs Of 2012

I'm back for a second installment of the UPROXX year-end GIF recap. Just like last year's, this collection is simultaneously definitive and subjective, and, seeing as how we've just experienced The Year of the GIF, couldn't be more open for criticism. The only we can all agree on: hard "g" or GTFO.

With the animated format taking over the world (wide web) in 2012 you'll find that many of the following entrants are GIF themes, as opposed to one-off images. That's just how things work now. Brave new world and all. I've attempted to tackle them in semi-chronological order of how we discovered them throughout the year (nostalgia!) but since Emma Stone is the best -- and it was also kind of her year -- and her contribution couldn't be more apropos, she gets top billing.

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