Al Gore: Obama Approach Has 'Greater Depth And Sophistication'

Al Gore Praises Obama's Growth As President

More than a decade removed from his own presidential ambitions, former Vice President Al Gore is seeing plenty of growth from President Barack Obama.

In a Sunday interview on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," Gore remarked about how Obama has "learned a great deal during his first term."

"I don't want to sound patronizing in saying that," Gore said. "I've learned a great deal from watching his first term. But I think that you already see a greater depth and sophistication in his approach."

Gore specifically pointed to climate change, an issue of close importance for him. He was "very pleased" that Obama included the issue in his January Inaugural Address, adding that the president has the power to induce improvements without conflict from Congress.

"There are some actions he can take that do not require congressional approval," Gore said, with an expansion of Environmental Protection Agency powers leading the list.

When it comes to reducing gridlock, Gore noted that Republicans have been proactive in trying to prevent extreme elements of the party from dominating the discourse.

"They don't want this hyperpartisanship," Gore said. "And one thing that I think President Obama has demonstrated is an ability to reach across the aisle, to try to invite more cooperation."

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