Kids In Homemade 'Star Wars' Costumes Are Awesome, Despite Now Being In Their 30s (PHOTO)

The Force Is Strong With These Ones

kids homemade star wars

So since everyone is, like, crossing their fingers that a J.J. Abrams-helmed "Star Wars" won't turn out to be an Alderaan-sized CGI atrocity, here's a little reminder of how awesome fans of the franchise can be.

With a little imagination, some honest-to-goodness effort and a little help from some creative adults, these grade-school kids fashioned homemade "Star Wars"-themed group costumes that clinched first place at the 1984 Port Erin Regatta. (That's a summer beach festival on the Isle of Man, by the way.)

Truly, the Force is strong with these ones.

Redditor "bennychacha," a.k.a. C3PO, posted this awesome piece of nostalgia to a Reddit forum about (you guessed it) "Star Wars" on Feb. 4. While that costume is really amazing, it's not quite as rad as the apparently made-from-a-repurposed-fur-coat Chewbacca is sporting.

(via Reddit)

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