Places To Visit Before You Die Range From The Exotic To Mundane On Boomers' Bucket Lists

39 Countries Post 50s Want To Visit Before They Die

Travel remains one of the top ways post 50s imagine spending their golden years. (In a retirement planning study by Ameriprise Financial Services, 72 percent of participants said they planned on taking really "nice vacations.")

It got us wondering what countries rounded out our readers' bucket lists. We asked our Huff/Post50 fans on Facebook and Twitter which places they'd like to visit before they died and the answers came pouring in.

While some were homebodies ("I would like to be left in peace right where I am," wrote Huff/Post50 fan Rita McWilliams), most were ready to go all over the world. The top five most popular countries were Australia, Italy and Ireland (with seven mentions), then France and Spain, with five mentions.

To see the other places to visit before you die, according to our readers, check out the slideshow below.


39 Places Post50s Want To Visit Before They Die

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