Senate Committee Passes Bill Requiring Gun Buyers To Pay Background Check Fee

Committee Passes Bill Requiring Gun Background Check Fee
Weld County Sheriff John Cooke, center, backed by a group of fellow sheriffs, testifies against proposed gun control legislation in the Colorado Legislature, at the State Capitol, in Denver, Monday March 4, 2013. State Senate committees began work Monday on a package of gun-control measures that already have cleared the House which include limits on ammunition magazine sizes and expanded background checks to include private sales and online purchases. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)
Weld County Sheriff John Cooke, center, backed by a group of fellow sheriffs, testifies against proposed gun control legislation in the Colorado Legislature, at the State Capitol, in Denver, Monday March 4, 2013. State Senate committees began work Monday on a package of gun-control measures that already have cleared the House which include limits on ammunition magazine sizes and expanded background checks to include private sales and online purchases. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

The State Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee passed a measure Monday evening requiring gun buyers to pay a mandatory background check fee.

The fee, likely $10 or $12, would cover the costs of an instant background check for gun purchasers. The bill, House Bill 1228, passed on a 3-2 party line vote and will move on to the the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday before heading to the full Senate. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation, which conducts the background checks, faced backlogs during the increased demand for guns over the holidays and after the mass shootings in Aurora and Newtown, Conn.

Supporters have pointed out that other states have enforced similar fees.

"This is a logical thing," said State Sen. Rollie Heath, D-Boulder, one of the the bill's sponsors. "This is a fee that should be charged to the people requesting it."

A Look At Colorado's Gun Control Bills

Senate Bill 195: Makes concealed-carry permit holders complete training class in person, rather than online.
Senate Bill 196: Makes manufacturers, owners civilly liable for damages if their weapon is used in crime.
Senate Bill 197: Prevents persons who have committed domestic violence from possessing firearms.
House Bill 1224: Bans high-capacity magazines limiting them to 15 rounds per magazine.
House Bill 1226: Bans concealed-carry permit holders from possessing a firearm on college campuses.
House Bill 1228: Requires gun buyers to pay for costs of background check.
House Bill 1229: Requires background checks on all gun transfers.

Before You Go

1981: The Attempted Assassination Of President Ronald Reagan

Pivotal Moments In The Federal Gun Control Debate

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