Giant Balloon Sculpture By Artist Jason Hackenwerth Wows Crowds At Edinburgh International Science Festival (PHOTOS)

Giant Balloon Sculpture Wows At Science Festival

Jason Hackenwerth is a New York-based artist known for large-scale balloon sculptures resembling the inflatable cousins of Dale Chihuly's glass installations. He recently unveiled his newest blown-up creation at the Edinburgh International Science Festival, a mammoth spiral form constructed from 10,000 brightly-colored, latex balloons.

giant balloon sculpture

The work, "Pisces," is a clever take on the Greek legend of Aphrodite and Eros, which tells the tale of how the goddess of love and her son escaped death by the mythological monster, Typhon. According to one legend, the two transform into fish who quickly tie themselves together into a single spiral to avoid being separated.

The impressive balloon sculpture took nearly six days to blow up, according to the blog Colossal, and it will be on display at the Grand Gallery of the National Museum of Scotland until April 14. Scroll through the slideshow below for a better look at Hackenwerth's art and let us know what you think of Pisces in the comments.

Giant Balloon Sculpture

Giant Balloon Sculpture

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