Mark Pryor Shamed On Facebook For Controversial Gun Vote

Senator Gets Facebook Heat For Controversial Gun Vote

Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) has been in a tough position lately. The red state Democrat, up for reelection in 2014, is one of only three Senate Democrats who oppose gay marriage. And on Wednesday, he was one of four Democrats to oppose the Manchin-Toomey gun background check amendment. (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), a supporter of the measure, voted against it on procedural grounds.)

Pryor did support an amendment sponsored by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas). That amendment, which also failed, focused on increasing funding for gun prosecutions and resources for the mentally ill.

Pryor seemed proud of his vote for the amendment, and this was posted on his Facebook page not long after the vote:

Questions about the Grassley amendment? This provision strikes the right balance between dealing with the real issues -- mental health, school safety, and gun trafficking -- while protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens. It reauthorizes the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Secure our Schools Program, calls for a study on mass shootings, and strengthens funding for mental health programs.

Pryor got nearly 1,000 comments by late Wednesday, many expressing outrage.

"Good luck in your next primary ... we're done," wrote Chris Sposato.

"I am sad for our state," opined Mariah Hatta.

"SHAME on you. You're worthless. The kids of Sandy Hook will remember you forever," wrote Phil Parker, who also posted a link to a Huffington Post graphic of the Manchin-Toomey tally.

Pryor also got some support.

"Thank You for standing with Arkansas, With the US, and with the Constitution,"wrote Allan Whitaker.

"Thank you Mr. Pryor!!!!! Oh don't pay any attention to the liberal losers. Have a good day," said
Mitchell Lynn Chandler.

And finally, some, like Jim Byron, noted that a lot of the comments were coming from outside of Arkansas.

They "don't even live in the state... rabid liberals harassing anyone who respects freedom."

Before You Go

1981: The Attempted Assassination Of President Ronald Reagan

Pivotal Moments In The Federal Gun Control Debate

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