9 People You Can't Take Anywhere (PHOTOS)

9 People You Can't Take Anywhere

There are some people you don't want to take on vacation, and some you don't want to take to dinner. Then there are some who you simply can't take anywhere.

It's called "a scene", friend... stop making one.

The Frequent Flyer
cannot take you anywhere

The Word Artists
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Foodie
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Art Lover
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Touchy Feely
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Guy With The BEST Ideas
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Klutz
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

The Master Of Disguise/Kleptomaniac
cannot take you anywhere
Imgur via reddit.

Before You Go

High Five!

Nailed It

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