Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Republicans To Blame For IRS Tea Party Scandal (VIDEO)

RFK Jr.: GOP To Blame For IRS Scandal

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined HuffPost Live Tuesday and said that the scandal surround the IRS and the Tea Party can actually be blamed on Republicans.

"This was really the result of Republican behavior," Kennedy told HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill, citing Republican-led cutbacks that he said "overwhelmed" an IRS Cincinnati field office. "It's the Republicans' own fault because the Republicans cut the budget and did the sequester so that the Cincinnati office doesn't have the personnel or the training [that it needs]."

Hill pushed back on Kennedy's claim that the sequester was to blame for the IRS targeting Tea Party-affiliated groups, to which Kennedy responded that the problems actually date back to the Bush administration.

"I think it started long before the sequester," he said. "It's been happening since the Bush administration cut IRS' budget and cut the budget of almost all of the government agencies."

Before You Go

President Barack Obama

Politicians React To IRS Scandal

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