MSNBC Host Touré Sounds Off On 'Proper Negro Fatigue'

Touré Sounds Off On 'Proper Negro Fatigue'

MSNBC host Touré sounded off on a hot topic in the black community Monday: the exhaustion African Americans feel with repeatedly having to dispel stereotypes, otherwise known as "proper negro fatigue."

During a discussion about the racial elements intrinsically involved in the George Zimmerman trial and the federal lawsuit against New York City's "Stop And Frisk" program, Touré took a moment to address an issue he said some viewers seem to be growing tired of.

“Once, somebody asked me when would I stop talking so much about injustice against black men,” Touré said. “I said, ‘I will when this country stops the tsunami of injustice against black men.’”

He discussed how both cases bring up the commonly held assumption that black men are "guilty before proven innocent," and the studies that have proven that internalized biases cause people to think an unarmed black men is holding a gun before they think an unarmed white man is holding one.

He went on to discuss the burden many black parents face of having to educate their sons on how to conduct themselves in public in order to avoid confrontation.

“All that can lead to what some have called, ‘proper negro fatigue,’” Touré added. “Because I have to go around mollifying everyone around me and letting them know I won’t rob them."

“And trust me, it’s tiring,” he concluded. “Because, no matter how good I am at that, I still know I may end up dead.”

When confronted on Twitter about the existence of "proper negro fatigue," the host quickly shot back:

RT @thedalejackson: "Proper Negro Fatigue" is not a thing, dumbass. [Actually, my friend, it is a thing.… ]

— Touré (@Toure) June 10, 2013

Oh, it's my fault. Oh. RT @tchap1978: @toure racism will exist as long as your on tv talking about it,stirring the pot

— Touré (@Toure) June 11, 2013

Watch the full clip of Touré's comments above, and share your thoughts in the comments section.

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