Rescued Baby Raccoon Dog Makes The Cutest Shanghai Police Recruit (PHOTO)

LOOK: Meet The World's Cutest Police Recruit

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This baby raccoon dog is the new police recruit patrolling the streets of Shanghai.

(Story Continues Below)
raccoon police
A baby raccoon mistaken for a bear cub is rescued by a police officer, Shanghai, China - 08 Jun 2013

The "cub" had been wandering around a townhouse complex and looked lost, Shanghai Daily reported.

So Officer Li Wenyue, who responded to the call, gave the "cub" a shoebox home and a police uniform. But when Wenyue posted photos of her new furry recruit online, a forestry department worker notified her that it was not a bear cub, but in fact, a raccoon dog.

The adorable "officer" has since been handed over to the forestry department and will return to the wild when it's old enough.

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