Poor People Are Sometimes Much Smarter Than The Rich (In 1 Chart)

This 1 Chart Shows Why Poor People Are Sometimes Much Smarter Than The Rich

Just because an item is expensive doesn’t mean it’s actually worth more.

Try telling that seemingly obvious point to a rich person with a headache; they likely won’t believe you, a new study finds. Wealthy shoppers are more likely to spring for brand-name pain relievers for headaches than their poorer counterparts -- even though the cheaper generic medications are just as effective, according to recent research from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

Here's a chart that shows household income versus the likelihood of buying brand-name headache medicine:

headache chart

As this chart illustrates, the amount of money you make is one indicator of whether you'll choose to spend $6.29 on a bottle of Bayer Aspirin or spend $1.99 for the same amount of CVS-brand Aspirin. But as the researchers note, there are some other predictors as well. For one, consumers who are less educated about the active ingredients in a product are much more likely to be wooed by advertisers into buying the brand-name medication, the study found.

This trend apparently costs Americans big time. If shoppers stopped favoring brand-name headache medicines they’d spend $410 million less than they are now on the remedies, the study found.

Talk about a headache!

(Hat tip: The Atlantic)

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