10 Ways To Tell You're In An Empty Nester's Home

PHOTOS: 10 Ways To Tell You're In An Empty Nester's Home

In any house, it's easy to tell when children are present. From nurseries and child-safety locks on doorknobs and cabinets, to the sound of slamming doors and sports equipment everywhere, wee ones (and not-so-wee ones) have a way of making their presence known. But what does a home look like once the last fledgling has left the nest?

We asked Huff/Post50 fans how one can tell that they're in an empty nester's home. To see what they had to say, take a look at the list below. What would you add? Let us know in the comments.

1. The house is clean.

clean house

"No cleats in the hallway... no dirty dishes on the kitchen counters," lists Huff/Post50 and Grown and Flown blogger Lisa Endlich Heffernan.

2. You can finally find where the remotes and car keys are.

tv remote

That is, until your memory starts acting up...

3. There's not as much junk food in the house.

junk food home

4. The dogs' toys have replaced the kids' toys, shoes, backpacks, etc.

dog toys

5. And if there wasn't a dog in the house before, there's definitely one now.

mature couple reading paper

6. It's quiet.

family room

"... too quiet," writes Huff/Post50 Facebook fan Linda Rinaldi.

7. The moving boxes.

moving boxes

"The house is for sale because the seller wants a newer, smaller, home, and yard," writes Huff/Post50 Facebook fan Sean O'Daniel.

8. Or if they decide to stay put, there's better furniture.

white couch

That white couch you always wanted? Finally yours.

9. There's a new hobby room.

mature woman sewing

Whether the kids' room gets turned into a man cave or lady lounge, any plans for the newly freed up room are put into action.

10. But when the kids come back home for a visit, everything feels exactly the same.

family reunion

Before You Go


5 Tips For Empty Nesters With Newly Empty Nests

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