7 Things I Learned From Not Wearing Makeup For 2 Weeks

7 Things I Learned When I Stopped Wearing Makeup For 2 Weeks

A few weeks ago, I decided to stop wearing makeup for awhile. If I were being partially honest I would say this decision was based on the hot weather and humidity, which caused any makeup I applied to promptly slide off my face in an unsightly Maybelline mudslide. If I were being totally honest, I would admit that I was also feeling super emotional and kept randomly crying and messing up my mascara and finally just decided to stop wearing mascara so it wouldn't get messed up. (What? I'm 28! Obviously I'm an emotional wreck!)

I thought my makeup hiatus would last a few days, but I ended up enjoying the barefaced lifestyle so much that I didn't open my makeup bag for two full weeks. This might not seem like a long time, but I've worn makeup almost every day for many, many years. A makeup-free vacation, weekend, or random weekday wasn't uncommon for me, but to give it up for 14 days in a row for no particular reason was definitely a major adjustment. I learned some things about makeup, and about myself, in the process...

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