Artists Devise The Best Way To Cope With Not Hosting The Olympics

The Best Way To Cope With Not Hosting The Olympics

Our favorite eco-friendly artists are back again, this time turning Madrid's open spaces into enchanting fishing ponds.

LuzInterruptus brought one of their favorite installations, entitled "Fishing In Light," to Rivas Vaciamadrid, a town to the southeast of Madrid, asking residents to donate used plastic containers to the cause. After receiving 250 containers, from buckets to kiddie pools, the art coloective transformed the recycled goods into glittering bodies of water, filling the receptacles with rubber duckies and colored fish that could be "caught" by passersby.

The nighttime sport evoked giddiness from the local children-turned-fisherman, who cheered upon catching a precious, albeit plastic, fish. But beyond the light-hearted spectacle, the work also served to address a recent hiccup in Madrid's history.

In an email to the Huffington Post the artists explained: "In addition to having fun, we wanted to do this non-competitive sports piece at home, just after it was finally revealed that Madrid had not been chosen as the host city for the 2020 Olympic Games, that pseudo-sporting event, that is primarily driven by economic interests far from the ideas of nobility that these events evoke."

Take a look at the sparkling consolation event below and let us know if you're inspired to create an urban fishing arena of your own.








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