Rob Ford's Ridiculous NFL Tie Available On eBay For $24.99

Get Next Year's Rob Ford Halloween Costume Today For Only $24.99

Toronto mayor Rob Ford held a press conference Tuesday afternoon and talked about how embarrassing it is for everyone to know he smoked crack.

There's a Houston Oilers logo on Rob Ford's tie. Throwback tie!

— Brian Floyd (@BrianMFloyd) November 5, 2013

As you can see in the above photo, he also wore an awesome NFL-themed tie. What's that? You'd enjoy throwing on just such a tie for your next social engagement? Look no further. It can now be yours for only $24.99.

rob ford tie

The tie, available on eBay under the simple name, “NFL Team Football Logos Rams Jets Packers Lions Raiders Colts Saints Tie Necktie,” comes with free shipping, and if you buy it tonight you maaaybe have a shot of getting it by Friday.

Forgetting for a moment the dubious aesthetics of such a garment, why is a Canadian mayor clothing himself in NFL logos?

Of course, you'd sort of think he'd want to avoid reminding people of this:

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