7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now

7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now

Don't let the mid-week slump get you down. We have just the thing to distract you until the weekend gets here.

It's Wednesday, which means we're back with 7 fresh new sites to waste time on. Check them out below and let us know if you come across any awesome time wasters you think we should feature!

What Would I Say?
Your Facebook statuses aren't as original as you think. This bot will analyze your updates and spit out what it thinks you would say, which more than likely is some gibberish that somehow sounds deep.
Hot & Busted
In case you were wondering, there are some ridiculously photogenic criminals out there.
By tweeting the subjects of their fights, Claire and Alan make your relationship seem a whole lot more normal.
Scroll Down To Riker
As much fun as you can have on the Internet with Star Trek's William T. Riker .
Honest Slogans
You won't even remember the slogans of your favorite brands after reading these far more accurate ones.
Mannequin Depressed
Mannequins are a lot deeper than we thought.

Before You Go

Timeless Truth Bombs From Louis CK

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