Why Yes, That Building Is Sporting A Movember Moustache (And You Can Help Make It Grow)

Why Yes, That Building Is Sporting A Movember Moustache

Movember has reached some hairy new heights.

The monthlong campaign usually tasks men (and women!) to grow moustaches to raise awareness and funds for men's cancers. But this year, a non-human is getting involved.

Core Media, an Ireland-based company, has partnered with Gillette to grow the first Movember moustache on a building.

Powered by the Internet, the ginger 'stache gets longer on the company's edifice with every online donation to Core's "Mo Bros," who are raising money for the Irish Cancer Society.

Watch above to see how the red handlebar came to be and click here if you'd like to give.

Now how about a fundraiser to shave it when Movember is over?

Before You Go

The Moustache Master, Salvador Dali

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