Iyanla Vanzant Tries To Help Two Sisters In Total Breakdown (VIDEO)

Iyanla Attempts To Help Two Sisters In Total Breakdown

Spiritual life coach Iyanla Vanzant travels to San Antonio on Saturday's episode of "Iyanla: Fix My Life" to help two sisters, Barbara and Geneva, who are in total breakdown. While Barbara grew up in an affluent home with her aunt and uncle, Geneva was raised by their mother in poverty. When Barbara was 17 years old, she invited her younger sister to come live with her -- but a deep rift formed between the sisters.

Barbara learned Geneva was sleeping with Barbara's boyfriend and had two children with him, all while living in Barbara's house. Iyanla quickly realizes there is more to the story and attempts to help the sisters communicate with each other.

In the above video from the upcoming episode, Geneva shares her vision of having a future career -- but Barbara hears something else. "I heard her say that basically if I had given her more attention and more of me, you would've been able to pursue more of the dreams that you had that I knew nothing of," Barbara says.

"Okay, now that's not what she said but that's what you heard, and that's okay," Iyanla says. "Let me tell you what she said. The most important thing, Barbara, is that she shared with you her vision for herself, which is to be an X-ray technician and to go to college. You didn't hear none of that."

Barbara disagrees, and the tension in the room begins to rise. "I'm not going to sit here and be belittled," she says.

"You are making it about you, Barbara – you are making it about you," Iyanla says. "Your sister told you she feels inadequate and you talking about you being belittled!"

"Could you validate her vision?" Iyanla asks.

"Yes, I do," Barbara says.

"But you didn't," Iyanla says. "I'm watching you, and you made her story, her conversation about you, Barbara."

Barbara asks to start over, but Iyanla stops her. "You don't get to run this -- because that's where we got to where we are, because of you running the show."

"Iyanla: Fix My Life" airs Saturdays at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

Before You Go

Iyanla Vanzant Quotes


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