'Against The Order Of Nature,' Lee Price Project, To Document LGBT Uganda

WATCH: Being LGBT In One Of The World's Most Homophobic Places

Widely understood to be one of the most homophobic places in the world, Uganda is a dangerous place to be openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

With the passage of the country's most recent "Anti-Homosexuality Law," homosexual acts are now punishable by life in prison.

Additionally, anyone who "conducts a marriage ceremony" for a same-sex couple could be incarcerated for seven years.

With activist groups responding to Uganda's institutionalized homophobia, Lee Price, a documentary photographer, plans to spend six weeks traveling the country documenting the realities of what it means to be LGBT in this part of the world, as well as the reasons for the growing hostility towards the LGBT community in Uganda. He is calling this project "Against the Order of Nature."

"The homophobia experienced by gay Ugandans comes from a social conditioning that has been embedded into the minds of the people since British colonial rule in the 19th century," Price told The Huffington Post. "It may take many decades for public opinion on the matter of homosexuality to become one of tolerance and acceptance in Uganda, but with each discussion, progress is made... This project is my way of reaching out to the Ugandan LGBT community and telling their story to the world, hopefully raising international debate surrounding the struggle for gay rights out there."

Price is currently engaged in an Indiegogo campaign in order to fully fund "Against the Order of Nature." He plans to turn his experiences into a book, containing images and personal essays about his time in Uganda. To learn more about Price's project head here.

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