Muhtar Kent, Maria Fanjul: Youth Unemployment Is A 'Real Danger' To Fabric Of The World

Muhtar Kent, Maria Fanjul: Youth Unemployment Is A 'Real Danger' To Fabric Of The World

Muhtar Kent, CEO of Coca-Cola, and Maria Fanjul, CEO of, joined HuffPost Live at Davos on Thursday to discuss the challenge of youth unemployment.

"If we're not successful in creating better opportunities, I think there's a real danger that the social peace and fabric of the world is in danger," Kent said.

"Seventy-five million people [globally] are unemployed, do not have the opportunity to work," Kent said. "That's bigger than France."

"It's the obligation of government, it's the obligation of civil society to come together to find solutions," Kent continued.

Fanjul said she's working with Global Shapers, a group of people under 30 working to improve their communities, to try and find ways to help ease the unemployment crisis worldwide.

"We are a part of this issue -- we should also be part of the solution," Fanjul said.

"It's not only trying to do the right thing, but it's also selfishly important," Kent added, noting that even improving the global unemployment rate by one percent would help the economy worldwide.

Watch a video of Kent and Fanjul's interview above.

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