8 Best Jobs For Retirees

8 Best Jobs For Retirees

Americans may be able to start collecting retirement benefits at age 62, but in today's world, many workers are continuing to stay employed well beyond retirement age. Whether they want to earn some extra cash, continue using their career skills, or try their hand at something new, more and more senior citizens are choosing to take a part-time job after retirement. Here are eight opportunities you can pursue as a retired worker.

Most small businesses don't have an on-staff accountant, so the task of record-keeping often falls to the business owner. A highly organized, trustworthy bookkeeper can alleviate the stress of sorting through receipts and tax returns. You'll most likely need to put in only one or two days a month for each client, depending on how many sales and expenses they have. Knowledge of QuickBooks and CPA certification are pluses, but not necessarily requirements for this job.

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