Son Says George H.W. Bush Would Support Jeb's Presidential Run

Son Says George H.W. Bush Would Support Jeb's Presidential Run

Another family member has weighed in on Jeb Bush's potential presidential run. Jeb's brother Neil Bush told CNN in an interview posted Thursday that George H.W. Bush wants his son to run for president, despite what the former president's wife has said.

CNN reported Neil Bush's comments:

"If you asked Dad the same question 'Should Jeb run?' he'd say yes." Asked again whether Bush 41 would specifically be for it, Neil Bush replied, "Yeah, he would say yeah."

Has Neil asked his father himself? No. But he allowed, "I have heard him answer that question."

In comments Wednesday at a Catholic school benefit in New York, Jeb Bush admitted he is "thinking about running for president."

"Can someone call my mother so she can hear this?" Bush said in response to applause from the crowd.

He was referring to comments a year ago in which former first lady Barbara Bush pooh-poohed another Bush presidential run.

“I think it’s a great country, there are a lot of great families, and it's not just four families or whatever," she told NBC's Matt Lauer. "There are other people out there that are very qualified, and we’ve had enough Bushes."

Barbara Bush pedaled back her comments last month when she told Fox News "maybe it's OK" if her son runs in 2016.

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