5 Things My Mom Taught Me About Being A Dad

5 Things My Mom Taught Me About Being A Dad

First off, let me say that you’ll be hard-pressed to find a bigger mama’s boy than yours truly. My mother spent many years as a stay-at-home mom while my dad worked long hours as a professor at a local university — and my identical twin, older brother and I terrorized the hell out of that poor woman. Not a day would pass that didn’t involve one of us attempting to break a piece of furniture, each other’s bones or her spirit as a parent. The good news for us is that we never succeeded with the last item on that list — and now that I’m a dad to two little girls (3 years old and 10 months old, respectively), I can look back on my upbringing to document five memorable lessons from my mom that have helped me be a better man and father.

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