Republicans Offer $1,000 Reward For Voter Fraud Crimes That Haven't Been Committed Yet

Republicans Offer $1,000 Reward For Voter Fraud Crimes That Haven't Been Committed Yet
The Capitol in Montgomery, Ala., is pictured on Thursday, May 7, 2009. State lawmakers were forced to the Capitol to conduct business after heavy rains flooded the Alabama Statehouse. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)
The Capitol in Montgomery, Ala., is pictured on Thursday, May 7, 2009. State lawmakers were forced to the Capitol to conduct business after heavy rains flooded the Alabama Statehouse. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

As Alabama voters headed to the polls on Tuesday for the state's 2014 election primaries, Republicans made it clear on Monday that they will be out in full force against voter fraud.

In a post entitled "$1,000 Reward!," the Alabama Republican Party notified voters that money is on the table for any information that "directly leads to a conviction of a felony for voter fraud."

"Our signs and poll watchers will send a clear message to those wishing to commit voter fraud," the post read. "Anyone attempting to tamper with the election process will be caught and will be prosecuted."

The Alabama GOP release arrives after officials revealed in late April that four state counties -- Greene, Wilcox, Lowndes, and Macon -- have more voters on the rolls than Census figures indicate.

“Every duplicate name and every bad address is just an opportunity for crooks to attempt to manipulate our elections,” Secretary of State Jim Bennett said, according to the Huntsville Times.

Wilcox County (Ala.) Board of Registrars Chairman Van Waren dismissed that finding, telling he believes the Census numbers are way off.

“That census is a j-o-k-e,” Waren said in April. “You know what a joke is? There’s whole communities that they miss.”

Alabama's voter fraud push arrives about a month after a Wisconsin federal judge ruled that in-person voter fraud is virtually nonexistent. A few weeks before that ruling, President Barack Obama cited a 2006 DOJ analysis showing that out of 197,000,000 votes cast for federal elections between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for fraud.

"Let's be clear," Obama said. "The real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud."

Before You Go

Alabama State Capitol (Montgomery, Ala.)

U.S. State Capitol Buildings

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