This Graduation Speech Will Be Stuck In Your Head All Day

This Graduation Speech Will Be Stuck In Your Head All Day

Connecticut high school graduate Gregory Corning is clearly a man of many talents. Not only does the Wethersfield High School salutatorian have academic talent, but as his graduation speech shows, he has musical skills as well.

For his graduation speech, Corning decided against talking to the crowd. Instead, he opted to sing to those in attendance. Using the melodies of popular songs, such as "Party in the USA," "Blurred Lines," "Wrecking Ball," "Royals" and "Story of My Life," he wrote lyrics to chronicle his high school experience.

"No longer lowest on the totem pole, but far from being on the top of the school as a whole," he sang about sophomore year to the tune of "Rolling in the Deep."

A video of the speech was posted to YouTube, where it has garnered more than 28,000 views. Corning will be heading to college at Notre Dame in the fall, NBC Connecticut reports.

Skip to 2:45 in the video above to hear the graduation song.

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